
Comfort Zone

Comfort Zone…

2020 has been a year outside of nearly every human beings comfort zone!

Not a popular topic, yet one that we all find ourselves facing in least one area of our personal or professional lives.

A few tips to apply as you sell and negotiate with Procurement (applies to any business or personal negotiation too):

✔︎ Be flexible
✔︎ LISTEN and ask open ended questions, this info will become leverage in the future
✔︎ Challenge yourself and “think outside the box”
✔︎ Do your research, on the customer what challenges and opportunities they are facing
✔︎ Be a problem solver and problem “preventer”
✔︎ Know your value and align your good/service to overcome a current challenge or deliver on an opportunity they shared… this IS your value proposition
🎯 Focus on what IS POSSIBLE: Don’t be afraid to try something new, learn and position yourself for growth

Every conversation is a negotiation.

Be smart with your $ and time, negotiate as much as possible.

Sell Smart.
You don’t get what you don’t ask for…